Many discussions have occurred between Peter Batten from CoaX Helicopters and CASA UAS Specialist, Phil Presgrave.

These discussions, along with a common goal as defined by the Director of CASA, John McCormick, have resulted in a CASA Road Map which will ultimately afford the best possible outcome for field operations of CoaX Helicopters and similar companies.

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority, CASA, has now published a time line which identifies the directions it will follow to project UAS operations into the National Airspace over the course of the next 10 years.

Short Term July 2013 – National
Standardisation with respect to entry, approvals and surveillance.

Post-­‐implementation review of CASR101.

Training delivery standards for remote pilots.

Approvals required for “harmless” Remotely Piloted Aircraft.

Trained staff and consistent application.

Evaluate resource requirements.

Continue to work with Defence.

Engage research agencies on UAS related matters.

Short Term July 2013 – International
Develop a model for recognition of other NAAs’ UAS qualifications.

Establish an annual NAA conference starting June 2012.

Establish CASA’s jurisdiction within the Australian FIRs.

Continue to influence ICAO guidance development.

Continue to participate in international conferences.

Continue the regulatory information exchange with the FAA and EASA.

Medium Term (1-­5 years) – National
Routine Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS) operations in IMC below 400’ AGL in Class G airspace by Dec 2014.

Develop “type” certification standards for UAS based on risk.

Continue the review and re-­‐promulgation of CASR101.

Medium Term (1-­5 years) – International
Leadership in the ICAO UAS Study Group.

Participate in international conferences

Long Term (5-­10 years) – National
Routine BVLOS operations in VMC and IMC in all Classes of airspace by December 2017.

Long Term (5-­10 years) – International
Leadership in the ICAO UAS Study Group.

Following the release of Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS), update regulations.

Continue to participate in international conferences.